- In order to find whether the cheque is passed or used or unused for a particular SB account we need to inquire the cheque book status in DOP Finacle.
- In DOP Finacle in order to inquire the status of the cheque ( cheque book inquiry ) procedure can be done in 2 steps.
- By using the menu HCHBI( Cheque Book Inquiry).
- By using the menu HCHBM (Cheque Book Maintainence).
Method 1:-
Procedure to inquire cheque book by using HCHBI
- Invoke the menu HCHBI then the system will display the below screen as shown in the below figure.
- Then in the above enter the account number as shown in the below screen
Then the system validates the account number after successful validation then click on Go then the system will display the list of cheques issued to that particular SB account and it also displays the status of each cheque as shown in the below figure
- In the above it is clear the system will show the list of cheques issued to that particular account.
- It also shows the number of cheques passed and number of cheques unsed.
- Then click on view detiails to know the status of each leaf as shown in the below screen shot
Method 2 :-
Procedure to Inquire cheque book by using the menu HCHBM
- Invoke the menu HCHBM then the system will display the below screen a shown
- After successfull account validation click on Go then the system will show the list of cheques issued to that particlar account and also status of the cheques as shown'

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