This is regarding Common irregularities of SB/SBCO units of HOs/SOs noticed during ICO (SB) inspection. The same has already been communicated vide letter under reference, but it has not been updated in many HOs/SOs. It is once again reiterated that the irregularities may be eradicated so as to uphold operational efficiency. List of irregularities of SB/SBCO branches observed in HO/SOs are furnished below.
SB Branch
1. As per SB order 22/2022 mobile number is mandatory for all the POSB accounts. Hence all the existing accounts to be seeded with the mobile numbers of the depositors concerned.
2. As per SB order 8/2023 it is mandatory for the depositor to submit his Aadhaar and PAN No. at the time of opening of A/c. Hence all the existing accounts also to be seeded with the Aadhaar number and PAN number of the depositors concerned. Linking of Mobile/PAN number/Aadhaar was not checked at Counter as required in SB order 01/2022, SB order 22/2022, SB order 08/2023 and instructions issued vide Directorate letter no113-03/2017-SB(Pt.1) dated 06.10.2023.
3. As per SB order 26/2020 Para 139 sub para(5) Note 7 "No commission will be paid on the investments received through agents where Agent Receipt book number issued to the customer is not noted on the pay-in-slip and copy of the Agent Receipt Book is not presented along with investment for signature and date stamping by the counter PA". All such investments will be treated as direct investments. Hence DPM/APMS/SPMs are instructed to guide Counter PA accordingly.
4. In case of withdrawal exceeding Rs. 5,000/-, the signature of the depositor on the withdrawal form has been attested by two postal officials except in Single handed post offices. In case of double handed sub offices when the second official goes on leave, the SPM will give a suitable remark to this effect on application of withdrawal vouchers or on Consolidation for the information of the Head Office / SBCO, so that objections are avoided.
5. Withdrawal allowed in respect of illiterate account; the certificate is to be produced on both sides duly attested by witness with complete address.
6. SPMs/ BPMs/ Postal staff handling the Savings Bank transactions should not fill the Deposit/ Withdrawal forms pertaining to such transactions on behalf of the depositor's.
7. In respect of post offices where GL. integration is completed manual postings should not be made in SAP. In case of any such manual entry, appropriate D.O sanction/ order should be enclosed and forwarded to SBCO along with vouchers.
8. As per SB order 08/2022, NEFT/RTGS facility is available for POSB Account holders. For this, if any NEFT/RTGS transactions performed at counter at the end of the day, user should forward the NEFT mandate form along with SB-7 form or POSB cheque to SBCO.
9. As per SB order 09/2021, provision of Payment of MIS/SCSS/TD accounts Monthly/Quarterly/Annual interest amount and maturity value of MIS/SCSS/TD/RD/KVP/NSC into account holder's Bank Account by CBS Post offices has been introduced. Hence, while performing such transactions ECS mandate form along with cancelled cheque leaf/copy of first page of passbook duly attested by the depositor to be attached with account closure form/premature account closure form and sent to SBCO along with vouchers.
10. As per SB order 24/2021 CBS CTS cheque clearance, Sub Post Offices to check ledger of concerned office account (0382/0322/0437/BDPVT) on T+2 days using menu HACLINQ to check whether the cheque sent out for clearing has been cleared. If credits are available, sub post offices should open new accounts or complete subsequent deposit transactions in Finacle on the same day.
11. Original SB-3 card / AOF should be attached with closure vouchers(SB-7A). As per SB order 19/2021 and DO Ir. No. dt 26.07.2021, SOs have been instructed not to attach revised AOF. Necessary certificate "Original AOF is not traceable after making all efforts” may be given along with KYC of the depositor with SPM attestation.
12. In Finacle, during claim closure of SCSS, accounts, Rule 116 and Rule 172 of POSB (CBS) Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021), was not followed resulting in excess payment. Similarly, during claim closure of SSA accounts, Rule 131 and Rule 172 of POSB (CBS) Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021), was not followed resulting in excess payment
13. Value date of subsequent deposit/new account opening differs from Cheque settlement date.
14. Dishonor fees for outward rejections in respect of cheques lodged in office a/c 0382 were not collected properly in office account SOL ID + 0196.
15. A transaction of deposit or withdrawal by depositor is not carried out after revival of silent account that might lead to dormant again or closure of account due to non availability of minimum balance which is in violation of Rule 63 (2) of POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected upto 31.12.2021).
16. Practices of splitting of one higher denomination account into multiple lower denomination accounts found in violation Directorate order Letter F.No.116-26/2015-SB dtd 19.08.2015. Due to this practice, single deposit slip (SB-103) was being prepared and attached for deposits of multiple RD accounts.
17. More number of counter PA roles and Supervisor role users were available than required.
18. On checking of active MPKBY & SAS Agents with HO documents and Finacle report it is found that un-renewed agents also active at Finacle.
19. AML/KYC norms is not followed.
20. Name change request has not been processed as per Rule 36 of POSB CBS Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021).
21. T-Recon report provided by the vendor during migration is not found maintained in HO as well as SBCO.
22. Procedure prescribed for closure of unclaimed accounts/certificates under SCWF Rules 2016 was not followed in violation of Rule appendix IX of POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected upto 31.12.2021).
23. Recommendations of APM/DPM regarding "may be issued/not issued" in DPB application is not recorded.
24. Sol Transfer register is found maintained but "type of transfer" is not noted in the register as prescribed in CBS Manual rule 22(4). The transfer applications (SB-10(B)) of HO and SOs were retained at HO itself, instead of sending to transferee office, Date of transfer not recorded in most of the cases.
25. Details of Collection of pledging fee, Transfer fee details was not available in concerned register.
26. Acknowledgement was not provided to customers on receipt of Claim application in violation of Rule 172 of of POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected upto 31.12.2021) and Original AOF is not transferred to SBCO unit also Monthly summary was not arrived in the register.
27. Cheque book stock register is not in the form SB-CQE-3 as per para no. 13 (i) of Appendix II of POSB (CBS) Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021).
28. Silent revival register is not maintained in as prescribed in Rule 63 of POSB (CBS) Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021). Revival applications were not maintained in guard file, instead maintained in open file.
29. Notice to be issued to accounts marked as silent for the year 2023(31.12.2023) is not carried out in HOs.
30. Dishonored Cheque register in proforma SB/CQE-9 is not maintained. SB-105 Memos are not issued to dishonored cheques. Dishonor fees for outward rejections in r/o cheques lodged in office a/c 0382 were not collected in HO.
31. Outward Clearing Details Report was generated in CTS Application and was not handed over to SBCO branch on regular basis as per POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected upto 31.12.2021) Appendix III Rule 4(e) (B)(2f)(iv).
32. Supply of passbooks to SO is not carried out based on authorized stock as per CBS Manual rule 5, 6.
33. Printing of Return Memo in CTS Application/Form SB-105 as per Rule 14(c)(4) in Appendix II of POSB(CBS) Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021) was not carried out in this HO.
34. Forwarding of returned cheques to respective POs along with the return memo with valid reason is not carried out in this HO as per POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected upto 31.12.2021) Appendix III rule 4(e) (B) (2f) (ii).
35. Separate register is not maintained for closure of discontinued schemes.
36. Issue of DPB Register not maintained in the prescribed format at HO, Rule 24(A) of POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021).
37. Separate register for issue of duplicate certificates issued prior to 01.07.2016 & after 01.07.2016 as per specimen forms mentioned in CBS Manual Appendix XX was not maintained.
38. KYC updation and status report is not checked in Finacle frequently for uploading missing documents with CPC. KYC forms of HO & SO were not submitted to CPC on daily basis.
39. Stock register of passbooks was maintained but not in prescribed format as per CBS Manual Rule 6 (ii) (b) of POSB (CBS) manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021).
40. Stock register of ATM cards was maintained but not in prescribed format.
41. SCWFR register is not maintained as per Appendix IX of POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021). List of accounts identified under SCWF was not displayed to public as required under Appendix IX of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected upto 31.12.2021).
42. INOP register is not maintained in the prescribed format as per SB Order. 25/2022.
43. Register of Payments of Non Migrated Accounts / Certificates is not maintained as per annexure to SB order 18/2023.
SBCO Branch
1. Officials working in SBCO was found posted without tenure basis in violation of Directorate order Letter o. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP dtd 16.11.2022.
2. Nominal Roll was not maintained with details of duties performed by the officials in SBCO against each dates.
3. Receipt of vouchers from Sub account branch of HO to SBCO branch was not followed in violation of Rule 2 of Appendix XVI of POSB CBS Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021).
4. Hand to Hand (H to H) receipt book for exchanging of vouchers among PAs has not been maintained.
5. Rotation of seat work among the officials working in SBCO branch has not been implemented.
6. The periodical weeding out of vouchers were not carried out every year.
7. Checking of unverified Non-Financial entries pending and deleted transactions of previous day(s) is not carried out at SBCO in violation of para no 6(ii) b of SB order No. 04/2021.
8. Objection register has to be maintained PA wise but same not has been followed instead a single register was maintained for all PA's SBCO.
9. Register of Undeliverable Passbooks and Spoilt Passbooks was maintained in SBCO but not as per proforma prescribed in Para no. 9(a) & 9(b) of Appendix XVI of POSB CBS Manual (corrected upto 31.12.2021).
10. Register of Surrendered/ Inactive/ Expired ATM cards was not maintained as per prescribed format envisaged in Dte . lr. no: CBS 25/51/2022-FS-DOP dated 15.09.2022.
11. "Will follow register" is not maintained in prescribed format and non-receipt of vouchers from HO/SO is not reported to Head Postmaster/Divisional Head in violation of Para no. 9(c) Annexure to SB Order No.04/2021.
12. MAP/Certificate of payments relating to objected vouchers received subsequently from POs was not attached to relevant vouchers in violation of Para no.3 (vii) of annexure to SB order 04/2021.
13. Supervisory check by SBCO, Supervisor for all the deposits vouchers amounting to Rs.1,00,000/- or more and all withdrawals including loans and account closure vouchers amounting to Rs.50,000/- or more, which are already checked by SBCO PA is not carried out in violation of Para no.4(c) of Annexure to SB order 04/2021.
14. Checking of manual corrections made for Finacle related figures is not carried out in violation of Para no.6 (ii) (a) Annexure to SB Order No.04/2021.
15. Checking of office accounts SOL ID+0322, SOL ID+0408, SOL ID+0409, SOL ID+0410, is not carried out in violation of Para no.6(ii)(c) Annexure to SB Order No.04/2021.
16. Checking of office accounts SOL ID+0098 is not carried out in violation of SB Order No.09/2021 (Role of SBCO)
17. Checking of office accounts SOL ID+0023 on daily basis to ensure zero balance is not carried out in violation of SB Order No.26/2021.
18. Supervisor SBCO should review work of all PAs in SBCO and test check the vouchers checked by them and note mistakes and omissions committed by each of PAs also should update in Review register. It is not carried out in violation of Para no.4(c) (ii) of Annexure to SB Order No.04/2021.
List of registers to be maintained at HO/SO with the prescribed formats as envisaged under various rules of POSB (CBS) Manual [Corrected upto 31.12.2021] and SB orders is attached in Annexure-1 for information and necessary action.
For kind information to All Admin / operative
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