- Generally in DOP we will give the interest for the SCSS accounts on quarterly basis on 1st of every quarter completion i,e., on 1st April,1st July,1st October and 1st January.
- In DOP Finacle we can check whether the SCSS interest amount is generated by the system, or not using the menu HTDTRAN.
- To know the step by step procedure of HTDTRAN users can CLICK HERE.
- For example if we want to know whether interest amount is credited to sundry or customer SB account check in HTDTRAN as shown in the below example.
- Invoke the menu HTDTRAN enter the account number and then click on Go then the system will show the below screen as shown
- In the next step click on the field Transaction Date then the system will show in which account interest got credited as shown in the figure.
- In the right side for users purpose i have highlighted the account number in which interest amount credited in the system.
- But in some cases interest generation will not happen due to the below mentioned reasons.
Reasons for non generation of quarterly interest in SCSS accounts in DOP Finacle : -
Reason 1 :-
- First check the scheme of the SCSS account if the scheme code is SCEXP(SCSS Exceptional Scheme code) then the system will not generate the interest for exceptional scheme code accounts.
- Solution for the above Reason :-
- Always users are advised not to open the accounts exceptionally and to know the scheme code of an account users can check in HACCDET menu.
Reason 2 :-
- If there is any pending verification for SCSS account then the system will not generate the interest for the said pending accounts.
- Users can check with the menu HAFI to know which SCSS accounts are pending for verification or not by using the below procedure.
- Invoke HAFI and enter the following fields
Enter the field SOL ID __________________________________
Give two blank spaces in the field Ref No.
Enter the field General Ledger Subhead Code __________________ (check for the codes 30018,30019 and 30020 individually)
- From the above list we can find the pending verification accounts, for the above mentioned accounts system will not generate the interest.
Solution for the above Reason :-
- For the above said accounts kindly verify or cancel the accounts by using the respective menus in order to clear the pending verification.
- After verification then the system will generate the interest on the next day.
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