Problems in verification of Certificates Issue
In India post finacle, For Issuing certificates through POSB cheque, we will enter the cheque number while issue without checking whether that cheque book has been issued to that particular SB account or not. In such cases system will allow the issue at counter PA login but it will say Fish off at supervisor login.
For certificates issue, different account number will be allotted for each certificate even though they are having same registration number. Entered SB cheque number will be allotted to the very first certificate of a particular registration number. We can distinguish the first and last certificates by the account numbers as they are in ascending order. Before proceeding, verify all other transactions for clear view.
Step By Step Procedure in Detail - India Post Finacle Guide
1. Invoke HFTI menu
2. Enter Entry user id of the counter PA
3. Select Transaction status as Entered
4. Click on GO (F4)
5. System will display the transaction IDs and A/C IDs which are not verified.
6. Note down the very first transaction ID, Its Debit A/C ID which is SB Account ID, Credit A/C ID which is the account ID allotted to the first certificate and the amount of transaction.
7. Delete the noted down transaction ID using HTM menu in counter PA login after confirming the presence of cheque number in HTM menu.
8. Verify the registration number in supervisor login.
9. Now we have to add the deleted transaction again using HTM menu
10. Invoke HTM menu
11. Function - Add
12. Transaction type/subtype – Customer Induced
13. Click on GO (F4)
14. Enter A/C ID - Customer’s SB A/C ID
15. Enter the amount
16. Click on ADD
17. Enter A/C ID – Certificate A/C ID which we have noted earlier.
18. Click on Contra-Adjustment button (3=3) beside the amount field.
19. Click on POST
20. Verify the Transaction ID in the same menu in supervisor login.
21. Continue for certificate printing using HDRP menu.
if the counter PA has entered the cheque number of the customer wrongly the system shows such kind of errors while verying in supervisor login...for ex the cheque number is 233559.The PA has entered it has 2333559.the solution is issue a single leaf of wrongly invoked cheque number to that customer sb account and verify the same....