Account Transfer Between SOLs in DOP Finacle
HACXFSOL Stand for Account Transfer between Two SOL
Menu : HACXFSOL - Transfer Accounts between SOL
- Customer will visit the home branch and submit the request for A/c transfer of his account from his branch to another CBS branch.
- CPA will validate the account details and then invoke HACXFSOL (Transfer Menu between CBS Sol’) menu and choose option “T-Transfer” and click Go button.
- The screen appears like as

- CPA will then fill in the following details such as account number, Target sol id (To Sol (CBS Branch) where the account is going to be transferred) and press the submit button.
- The screen appears like as

- System will do all basic validation on the account during this process such as Pending transaction on the account not authorized includes teller transaction, clearing transaction, standing instruction, account related transaction etc. This error message will be shown on the report.
- CPA can invoke HPR menu and see all the details and authorize all the transaction which are pending for the account. Once all pending transaction are verified, Maker will again reinitiate the process of transfer by invoking the menu HACXFSOL.
- A transfer request number will be generated on submitting the request. CPA user will see HPR report and check there are no pending transaction for the account. If the report has no pending transaction for the account. CPA can submit to Supervisor for authorization.
- Supervisor can check all details such as account number, from branch, to branch and verify the transfer request through the menu HACXFSOL menu (V-Verify option).
- On press of verify button, the account get transferred from the CBS home branch to CBS branch as requested by customer.
- Customer can visit the new CBS branch where he has requested for the account and collect the passbook and operate the account.
- Account number remains the same, as the transfer happens between the CBS branches.
- There will not be any interest application during account transfer.
- It was discussed that account can be transferred by the SOL also where the customer wants transfer. That process also needs to be shown here.
Thanks for reading Account Transfer Between SOLs in DOP Finacle
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