- In DOP for Savings Account we are having basically 3 types of accounts they are mentioned below for your reference.
SBGEN---- SB general in which we have again with cheque book and without cheque book facility in DOP Finacle.
SBSAN---- SB Sanchaika in which we have again with cheque book and without cheque book facility in DOP Finacle.
SBPEN--- SB Pension accounts in which we have again with cheque book and withoput cheque book facility in DOP Finacle.
- Sometimes we might opened the Pension account (SBPEN) as General account (SBGEN) in this case most of them will proceed for scheme transfer procedure.
- In General we use the menu HACXFRSC to do scheme transfer for an account.
- When we try to transfer the scheme for an SB account from SBGEN to SBPEN then the system will throw the error "Scheme Mismatch - Account can't be transferred" in DOP Finacle.
- The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure
From the above screen shot it is clear system is showing the above said error when we are trying to do scheme transfer for SB account from SBGEN to SBPEN.
Root cause of the Problem :-
In SB we can't do scheme transfer from one product group to another product group i.e., we can't do scheme transfer from General to Pension account or Sanchaika to General etc.,
In our example also we are trying to transfer from General Product to Pension Product which is not possible in DOP hence the system is showing the above error.
The following scheme transfer are not allowed
Solution for the above Problem :-
- If any user opened the SB account with wrong product as we have quoted in our example we have opened pension account as general account.
- In this case scheme transfer is not allowed as discussed above hence only solution to go for opening of new account with pension scheme i.e., SBPE
The valid transfer scenarios are as follows:
Product group SBSGP : SBGEN <--->SBCHQ.
Product group SANPG : SBSAN<--->SBSWC.
Product group SPNGP : SBPEN<--->SBPWC.
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