Thursday, January 23, 2025

Requirement form for CBS core and Channels for eKYC Implementation in DOP Finacle

  Admin       Thursday, January 23, 2025


Department of Posts (DoP)

Requirement form for CBS core and Channels
A. Problem statement/ Background
a. Account opening in POSB is currently based on physical form and data entry of the same in Finacle.
b. The transactions across counters too are based on forms using signature as a method of customer validation.
c. DOP would like to introduce Aadhaar based transactions for POSB operations.
d. This document deals with requirements for introducing Aadhaar authenticated transactions for POSB operations in CBS.

e. Requirements for transactions through channels is not considered here.

B. Detailed requirements

a. New CIF creation

1. Provide a new menu or a separate workflow in CMRC for creation of an eKYC ClF. System should be able to identify/ if a particular CIF is an eKYC CIF or a paper based ClF.

2. Enter Aadhaar no, Mobile no and PAN. System to do a dedup with Aadhaar, Mobile and PAN for identifying if a CIF with the same Aadhaar number already exists -

i. lf no match found - proceed with CIF creation

ii. lf a non eKYC match is found - ask the customer to do an eKYC to make the CIF eKYC compliant or proceed with form-based account Pening.

iii. lf eKYC CIF is found - terminate the process with a message that eKYC CIF already exists

3.lf no match found, proceed with OTP validation of the mobile num ber. lf OTP validation is successful, ask for consent and biometric authentication for eKYC. The data received as response i.e. Name, Address, Gender, DOB and Photograph is populated as non-editable fields.

4. PAN validation is to be done with NSDL as per the current process. lf PAN is not available, option to digitally provide Form 60/61 to be provided.

5. Fields for entering other data which is not fetched from Aadhaar to be We should take DoB fetched only from Aadhaar as we are not taking any physical documents for DoB. lf correct DoB is not available, we can ask the account holder to get it updated at the Aadhaar counter at the Post Office. provided like _

i. Educational qualification
ii. Profession
iii. Annual income Date raised
v. Fathe's name
v. Mothe/s name
vi. Marital status
vii. Spouse Name if marital status is 'Married'
viii. Email id
ix. Communication address if it is not the same as address fetched through eKYC
x. ls the customer a politically exposed person
xi. Declaration of being a resident lndia as per GSPR 2018

6.Once all the fields are provided, show the entire form for biometric authentication and e-sign.

7.On successful biometric authentication, the CIF is created and customer is shared a SMS with a link and email to download. the e-signed form if needed. The esign form is stored in ECMS. Functionality to be provided to access the same if required.

8.Verification by the checker would not be required for completlon of the transaction.

b. Re eKYC

l. Provide the option in CMRC or a separate menu to do Re-eKYC for paper based ClFs or eKYC ClFs.

2.Provide CIF number or Mobile no, Aadhaar number and PAN number and fetch the available details of the existing CIF

3.Confirm/ enter Aadhaar number and do a dedup -

i. lf no match found - show message to proceed with new CIF creation and terminate the process.

ii. lf match found - proceed with PAN validation.

4.System to do a dedup with PAN number -

i. ln no match found - Proceed with mobile number validation

ii. lf match found with a CIF different from the one identified above - throw error and terminate process.

iii. lf match found with the same CIF as above - Proceed with mobile number validation

s.System to do a dedup with Mobile number for identify is a CIF with same Mobile number exists -

i. lf no match found - Proceed with OTP validation of mobile number

ii. lf match found with a CIF different from the one identified above - throw error and terminate process.

iii. lf match found with the same CIF as above - Proceed with OTP validation of the mobile number

6.lf OTP validation is successful, ask for consent and biometric authentication for eKYC. The data received as response i.e Name, Address, Gender, DOB and Photograph is populated as non editable fields.

7.Show the current fields in the system against these fields for comparison. The end user has to check these fields and confirm that the eKYC data and data in the system belong to the same customer.

8. PAN validation is to be done with NSDL as per the current process. lf PAN is not available, option to digitally provide Form 16 to be provided.

9.Fields for entering other data which is not fetched from Aadhaar to be provided. Existing data if any to be populated as editable fields. -

i. Educational qualification
ii. Profession
iii. Annual income
iv. Fathe/s name
v. Mothe/s name
vi. Marital status
vii. Spouse Name if marital status is'Married'
viii. Email id
ix. Communication address if it is not the same as address fetched through eKYC
x. ls the customer a politically exposed person
xi. Declaration of being a resident lndia as per GSPR 2018

10. Once all the fields are provided, show the entire form for biometric authentication and esign.

11. On successful biometric authentication, the CIF is created and customer is shared a SMS with a link and email to download the esigned form if needed. The esign form is stored in ECMS. Functionality to be provided to access the same if required.

12. Verification by the checker would not be required for completion of the transaction.

CIF modification

1. An eKYC CIF can be modified based only through biometric authentication of the customer.

2. Fields fetched through eKYC will be non-editable and can be edited only through the Re eKYC functionality.

3. ln CMRC, one or more fields can be edited at one go.

4. For Mobile number

- OTP validation to be provided

5. For PAN - NSDL validation to be provided

6. Once all the fields that need modification are completed, show a form for the  fields for biometric authentication and esign.

7.On successful biometric authentication, the fields are modified and the customer is shared a SMS with a link and email to download the esigned form.

The esign form is stored in ECMS. Functionality to be provided to access the same if required.

8. Verification by the checker would not be required for completion of the transaction.

d. Signature upload will be done as per the existing process after obtaining the physical KYC form. Only signature upload will be allowed through maker checker for such ClFs.

All other fields will be non-editable.

Opening of a new account/ Onboarding on PMSS schemes

1. A new Single account for eKYC CIF can be opened only through biometric authentication.

2. ln the existing account opening menus, after the necessary fields are filled, show the entire form for biometric authentication and eSign.

3. On successful biometric authentication, the new account is opened and the customer is shared a SMS with a link and email to download the esigned form.

The eSign form is stored in ECMS. Functlonality to be provided to access the same if required.

4. Veriflcation by the checker would not be required for completion of the transaction.

5.For opening of Joint Accounts, signature has to be updated in the accounts and the account will be opened as per the existing process after filling the account opening form.

Modification in existing accounts/ PMSS schemes

1. ln the existing account modification menus, account modification can be carried out using only biometric authentication if the account is opened through biometric authentication or has an eKYC ClF.

2. Once all the fields that need modification are completed, show a form for the fields for biometric authentication and eSign.

3.On successful biometric authentication, the fields are modified and the customer is shared a SMS with a link and emailto download the esigned form.

The esign form is stored in ECMS. Functionality to be provided to access the same if required.

4. verification by the checker would not be required for completion of the transaction

Account closure

1. Account closure for accounts opened through biometric authentication orhave an eKYc CIF should be done only through biometric authentication except death claim closure.
2. OTP based consent is taken informing the customer that the account is beingclosed.
3. Declaration on the citizenship to be obtained
4. Once all the fields for closure are filled, show a form for biometric authentication and eSign.
5. On successful biometric authentication, the account is closed and the customer is shared a SMS with a link and email to download the esigned form. The esign form is stored in ECMS. Functionality to be provided to access the same if required.
5. Verification by the checker would not be required for completion of the transaction.


1. All the financial and non-financial transaction level menus to be modified to provide only biometric authentication and OTP based authentication for biometrically opened accounts or accounts having eKYC ClFs.
2. The OTP sent should contain details of the transaction and should not be a generic OTP.

3. Biometric authentication should be mandatory for certain transactions based on risk assessment. For eg -
i. First sign in for the day
ii. Sign in incase of single handed offices
iii. Risk based authentication for high value and critical transactions
Biometric authentication for end user login
1. While logging into Finacle provide for biometric authentication or Aadhaar based OTP validation of an end user.
2.The scenarios in which the authentication is sought should be able to be customized.
Value addition - Good to have Since the customer has to esign the form, the same should be visible to the customer.
2. Provide a second screen which would get activated once the form page which has all the details is displayed.
3. On esign, the signed form is displayed.
4. The screen is deactivated once the transaction is completed by the counter PA.
k. Ability to extend the Adhaar based eKYC and authentication services to other channels like -
1. BO DARPAN app - For eKYC and biometric authentication-based transactions
2. Mobile and lnternet Banking - Aadhaar OTP based ekYC for self-onboarding Validations
- lf any will be detailed out during SRS stage.
Accounting requirements - No change in accounting is envisaged.

E. MIS/ Reports requirement

a. The existing detailed and consolidated reports for transactions will have to be modified as there will be no vouchers for checking for these transactions.
b. Current business reports will have to modified to include identifier for eKYC ClFs and accounts.
c. Detailed reporting requirements will be provided during the SRS stage.
d. Audit trail to be available for all the modifications
F. Recon and settlement related requirements - No change is envisaged.
G. sMS/ Email alerts - As above. Details will be provided during the SRS stage. 

H. Annexures

a. DOP will act as a sub AUA/ sub KUA to IPPB for Aadhaar based transactions. The proposed approach as discussed earlier is attached.

Thanks for reading Requirement form for CBS core and Channels for eKYC Implementation in DOP Finacle

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