Patch Deployment in Finacle - dtd 02/11/2020
Respected Sir / Madam,
An update on the CBS patches deployed in last one month are provided below and the required operational details for he POs / CPCs have been circulated separately:
1. RICT CBS App Version 1.4.2 is deployed in 5 BOs as Pilot run and it will be soon deployed in all BOs. In this version, an option for reconciliation of pending transactions is provided and minimum / maximum limits for account opening is checked at device end itself, thereby reducing processing time.
2. Facility to register request for new ATM Card / Pin request for ATM card through Mobile Banking.
3. Nominee details are mandatory for RD / TD account opening through EBanking; In EBanking, nominee details as available in debit SB account will be updated for the newly opened RD / TD accounts.
4. Post maturity interest is applied for completed number of days instead of completed months for matured TD / MIS / SCS / NSC / KVP accounts.
5. Regular credits are allowed in SB pension accounts (SBPEN & SBPWC).
6. Issue faced in Mobile Banking login if previous device is not deactivated properly, is resolved.
7. Issue faced in duplicate passbook issue for NSC / KVP certificates (issued before 01/07/2016) is resolved.
8. Long book reports (Today & Previous day) for SOLs / BOs are deployed.
9. SCS accounts are to be opened with new scheme codes from November 2020 so that interest will be applied on gi1st day of every quarter. For accounts opened prior to November 2020, interest will be applied on last day of every quarter and will be continued in the old schemes.
10. CBS DWH reports can be viewed in SAP BI.
With regards
Giriraj Ponnambalam
Team Lead CBS
Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology, Chennai 600002
044-28543481, +91 94441 08080
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