Procedure to trace the customer details in DOP Finacle
- In order to trace the customer details in DOP finacle recently a new menu launched in finacle which is nothing but CICD
- CICD stands for Customer Menu for Inquiring of Customer Details which is nothing it will display the details of the customer.
- We can trace customer PAN number, Adhaar number, mobile number and whether enrolled in PMJJY/PMSBY schemes by using the menu CICD.
- This is menu is very handy and useful menu for all the user working in DOP Finacle.
- The operating procedure and step by step usage of this menu is illustrated below.
Procedure to trace the customer details in DOP Finacle :-
- Invoke the menu CICD menu then the system will display the below screen shot as shown below
- From the above screen shot it is clear that system is asking only two fields account number and cif id of the customer. Hence enter the customer account number then the cif id field will be auto filled by the system as shown in the below screen shot.
- After entering the above mentioned fields as shown in the screen shot then finally click on Go then the system will display the customer details.
Thanks for reading Procedure to trace the customer details in DOP Finacle
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