Sir/ Madam
In connection with above subject it is requested to kindly cause to share the following instructions to all Divisions/ Units:
1. For SOLs which are opened / working on 16.3.2017 EOD (HISCOD) shall be executed by the concerned SOL itself.
2. For SOLs which are closed on 16.3.2017 EOD shall be got executed by the concerned Divisional SPOC or any nominated Divisional SPOC & daily report on completion of EOD for the Division shall be sent by the SPOC in usual manner
3. If Divisional SPOC itself participates in the strike and no other SMs are available to act as Divisional SPOC on 16.3.2017 then Division is requested to kindly compile and share us list of offices working and non working / closed on 16.3.2017 with SOL ID so that for Closed Offices EOD will be run at CPC end itself . This List may kindly be arranged to be shared to CPC by 14.00 Hrs on 16.3.2017.
4. Names of officials/ officers at Divisional Level who are to be contacted for EOD issues on 16.3.2017 ( special list effective for the day of strike alone) may kindly be arranged to be shared to this office by 18.00 Hrs today ( 15.3.2017)
5. Name of officials/ officers at Regional Level who are to be contacted for EOD issues on 16.3.2017 ( special list effective for the day of strike alone) may kindly be arranged to be shared to this office by 18.00 Hrs today ( 15.3.2017)
It is requested to kindly accord priority .
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