- As discussed earlier MEMO PAD is very handy for noting the important message related to a particular account.
- For detailed description of MEMO PAD users can CLICK HERE
- In DOP for creation of MEMO PAD we have a separate menu in DOP Finacle application i.e., the menu is HMEMOPAD.
- HMEMOPAD stands for Memo Pad Lookup.
Procedure for creation of MEMO PAD in DOP Finacle :-
- Invoke the menuHMEMOPADthen the system will show below screen as shown
- In the next step enter the following details as mentioned in the below steps
Select the field Memo Pad Function _____________________________________
Select the field Memo Pad Intent _______________________________________
Select the field Memo Pad security ___________________________________
Enter the field account number ___________________________________
Memo Pad Function
- First we will discuss briefly the filed memo pad function so that users can select depending on the requirement.
- Memo pad function illustrates on what type of reason the user is trying to create MEMO PAD.
- Suppose when the users click on the searcher in the field Memo Pad Function then the system will show the below screen as shown
- From the above screen select the appropriate reason for example if you want to raise the memo pad for transaction select the reason as FT, if for opening then select for AO etc depending on the requirement.
Memo Pad Intent
- Memo Pad Intent is something that illustrates the period up to which the memo pad should exists in the system.
- When the user click on the searcher in the field Memo Pad Intent then the system will show the below screen shot.
From the screen shot users can select the appropriate reason from the list of reasons i.e., for transactions generally we will select the reason as G-General transaction alert, for cash related we have to select C-cash FT alert etc.,
Memo Pad Security
- Memo Pad Security is something which is related privacy details i.e., it can private or public etc depending on the requirement of the users.
- Generally we will choose the option as Public so that all the viewers can view the Memo Pad message.
- The screen shot will be as shown in the figure
- After going through above explanation enter all the fields above mentioned as shown in the below screen shot
Finally click on the button Add new record then the system will generate one unique ID for MEMO PAD creation. Users should note down the tran id and verify in the supervisor
Verification of MEMO PAD Creation :-
- For verification of Memo Pad creation we have a separate menu in finacle which is HMPAU.
HMPAU stands for Memo Pad Authorization
- The screen shot will be as shown in the below figure
From the above screen shot select the function as Verify, enter the Memo Pad ID and then finally click on Go and submit.
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