CSAC ( for releaasing ALREADY LOGGED IN USER IDs has been enabled to all Supervisors ( HOs and SOs) and System Administrators./ SAs .
- This menu has been given to Supervisor with the power to SACK users of his/her own SOL.
- This menu has been given to SA with the power to SACK users of his/her own HO SOL Set.
SUs/ SAs may be asked to logout, clear cookies and cache and login and try this menu now.
SOLs may kindly be adviced not to send emails or contact CPC over phone for Already logged in issues henceforth and get them resolved through Supervisors attached to their SOL. .
However for releasing SU IDs / SA IDs only CPC should be addressed through email.
Solution 1 :
- The validation has been built such that the SU role user of one SOL can sac the same SOL users. Other than SU users will not be able sack the user ids.
- This menu should be given to SA with the power to SACK users of his/her own HO SOL Set.
Solution 2 :
- The validation has been built such that the SA role user of one HO SOL can sac the linked SO SOL user ids. Other than SA users will not be able sack the other SO SOL user ids.
- This menu should be given to CPC PAs and Supervisor with the power to SACK users of its own Circle SOL Set.
Solution 3 :
- The validation has been built such that the CPC role user of one Circle can sac the linked SOL user ids. The CPC role user can sac only the users of same circle. Other circle users cannot be saced by a CPC user.
Let it be simple and easily understood what this piece of information wants to say?