Change Account Holder Name in Finacle
Account is opened with wrong CIF selection. After account opening we notice that the account name is mismatch with original account holder. Here two command is used for correcting this mistake.DOP Finacle Menu
HCCA command is used for "Change CIF of A/c"
HAALM command is used for "Account Abnormal Limits or Details Maintenance".
The following steps are taken in whole process.
The HCCA Menu can be executed by both Operator and Supervisor.
Menu Shortcut - HCCA
- In the next screen, you have to select the following
Function - M-Modify
A/c ID -
- In the next screen
Modify A/c Name - Yes
New CIF - Original CIF
The verification of CIF Merger should be done in the Supervisor using same menu HCCA.
Note : The above modification made changes only in CIF level.
Change the Name in Account Level
HAALM is executed in supervisor only and verify from another supervisor
Menu shortcut - HAALM
The following screen will be appeared.
Function - M- Modify
A/c ID -
In the next screen
A/c Name - Change is required in this filed
A/c Short Name - Change as required
Verify from another supervisor in same command.
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