Steps to be taken by Counter Supervisors/Postmasters to prevent frauds in CBS post offices
To our utter disappointment we came to know that a PA from Ahmednagar Division has made manipulations in sanchay post data and in Finacle also using the ids and passwords of other officials.
What a disgrace!
We pity those officials who are unknowingly got involved in this fraud. We bitterly condemn these kind of fraudulent activities.
Even though we cannot control the minds of fraudsters but we can control their activities and kill the idea of fraud in their mind. Just follow the below steps seriously and save yourselves from getting caught up in frauds done by others.
Do not reveal your passwords to anyone
To know who to trust and whom not to trust is battle long lost. Don't be in a hurry to run to homes by giving your passwords to others and ask them to complete your quota of work. Many of you may deny this but it is undeniable fact in our offices.
Save yourself by saving your passwords. Save yourself by properly discharging your duties. If you properly supervise your counters you can kill idea of fraud in the budding stage itself. Fraudster's will not mess up with sincere supervisors.
Supervisors/Postmasters Leave the office after everyone has left the office only
It's true that everybody wants to go home early. But waiting 5 more minutes after everybody has left the office won't get any late for you. Leave the office only after everybody has left. This action of yours will create a fear in the minds of fraudsters.
Don't blindly sign the LOTs and Consolidations generated by the counter PAs.
How many of us check all the transactions in LOT with vouchers? How many us add all the counter LOTs, auto lists and check with the consolidations?
From now on wards follow this step. Because you will be leaving office after everyone has left the office. Take a couple of minutes to generate the CONSOLIDATION REPORTS of all schemes again and compare them with those accounted for by the counter staff. If you find any discrepancy you can immediately refer to take action.
At least generate the reports on the next day morning and check with yesterday's entries. Have a constant vigilance.
Attention HO's SO SB staff
Apart from following above steps at HO SB counters do this also. Please generate the consolidation reports of all SOs and check those amounts with the figures in SO Summary. Don't just keep quite by checking with consolidations sent by SOs and comparing them with SO summary.
Physical cash Should be tallied with that of Teller Cash amount
Many offices are not serious about checking cash position in Finacle with that of physical cash. Physical cash should compulsorily tallied with that of cash position shown in finacle. Supervisors should make sure to check teller cash positions of your counter staff using HTCPIAE and check whether they have correctly accounted for the cash.
We will give you more tips to check in the next part.
Please be alert and be safe.
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