Generally we give IR entry for excess/short amount in DOP
- For IR entry in DOP Finacle there is a menu HIARM which is accessible only to SBCO Supervisor role only.
- Generally IR entry can be of two types i.e., Debit entry or Credit entry for a particular account.
- In General we will give IR entry for SB and PPF accounts in DOP.
What is a Credit Entry ?
- In general if the balance credited to the customer is less than the actual balance then we have to give the credit to that particular account which is known as Credit Entry.
- We generally face this situation if there is a missing credit for a particular account then the IBB calculation also goes wrong hence results in balance difference.
- For this situatuation we will calculate IR (Interest Rectification) i.e., Credit entry should be made for that particular account.
What is a Debit Entry ?
- In general if the balance credited to the customer is more than the actual balance then we have to give debit entry to that particular account which is known as Debit Entry.
- We generaly face this situation if there is excess deposit for a particular account then the IBB calculation also goes wrong hence results in balance difference.
- For this situation we will calculate IR i..e, Debit entry should be made for that particular account.
Step by Step Procedure of giving an IR entry in DOP Finalce
- The menu option used for giving an IR entry is HIARM which is given only to SBCO supervisor role in DOP Finacle.
- HIARM stands for Interest Adjustment Register Maintainance.
- Invoke the menu HIARM then the system will show the below screen as mentioned in the below screen shot.
- Then in the above screen enter the following details mentioned below
Select the filed Function as "ADD"
Select the field A/c/Bill/Disbursement as "A-A/cs"
Enter the filed A/c /Bill/Disbursement ID as "Account number of the customer" then the system auto fills the SOL ID field as mentioned in the below screen shot.
- Then click on GO then the system will show the below screen shot as mentioned
- Then in the above screen enter the following details as mentioned below
Enter the field Adjusted amount as " enter the amount"
Select the Debit/Credit Interest as "Debit/Credit" depends on the requirement.
Select the Run Indicator field as "Debit/Credit" depends on the requirement.
Enter the field Applicable From Date as "01/04/xxxx" (Start date of the Financial Year).
Enter the remarks field as "IR entry for FY " as mentioned in the below screen shot
- Then click on Submit then the system will show the message "request submitted successfully"
Note:- IR entry added in the above mentioned steps will not effect in the ledger immediately i..e, debit or credit entry made using HIARM will effect during next interest calculation or during closure which ever is earlier.
Source: PoFinacleGuide
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