How to block Post Office ATM Card ?
- Generally in DOP for POSB customer we have started issuing the ATM cards.
- ATM cards in DOP are of 2 types they are Instant cards and Personalized cards.
- Insant cards will be supplied by CPC Bangalare to the repective post office then the respective post office can be issued directly using the menu CCMM process.In order to know the step by step procedure to issue ATM cards in DOP Finacle users can CLICK HERE
- Personalized cards will be requested at the Post office level using the menu CCMM in the counter PA and verify. Then the Personalized ATM card will be despatched to the address of the customer hence make sure address details are correct in CMRC with in 10 days from the request.
- There are some norms in DOP to issue we have to follow the following requirements before requesting for an ATM card in DOP Finacle they are listed below.
Minimum balance in the POSB account should be Rs 500/-.
Name of the customer should be maximum of 21 characters and there should not be any special charecters hence check thoroughly in CMRC menu.If it wrong modify the name of the customer in CMRC and HAALM menus at CIF and Account level respectively.
- CIF id should be updated with latest address in CMRC and verify the same.
Scenario :-
Now if the customer approached the post office that he/she lost ATM card number and requesting for blocking the ATM card then we have to follow the below mentioned step by step procedure in DOP Finacle.
Step by Step Procedure to request new PIN number
- Generally for all the ATM related modifications we use the menu CCMM in DOP Finacle
- Invoke the menu CCMM in the counter PA login then the system will show the below screen as shown
- In the next screen enter the following details
Select the function as "MODIFY"Enter the CIF id of the customer in the column CIF ID _____________________Enter the ATM card number in the field Card Number ___________ as shown in the below figure
- Then click on GO then the system will show the customer details as mentioned in the below screen shot
- From the above screen shot it is clear system is showing all the details such as Account number, name of the customer kit number card number card type and status of the card.
- Then click on the field action then the system will show the list of options available as shown in the below screen

- From the above list select the Action field as "Hot Listing " from the list of options shown in the above screen shot.
- Then finally submit then the system will display the message customer records modified successfully. Hence counter PA work will be completed
- Finally we have to verify in the supervisor login using the menu CCMM.
Some of the important clarifications regarding POSB ATM cards in DOP :-
- POSB cards should not be issued to Illiterate customers as per the instructions of Directorate in DOP Finacle.
- Multiple cards should not be issued to multiple accounts of same customer i..e, same card should be linked to multiple accounts. This scenario will arrive when a pensioner having pension account and general account then we have to issue only one ATM card for both the accounts using the Action as "LINK" in CCMM.
- Multiple cards can be issued for Joint B customer for suppose if the account is having 2 customers with 2 different CIF ids then we can issue 2 cards using the menu CCMM for 2 CIF ids in DOP Finacle.
- For joint A accounts ATM cannot be issued in DOP Finacle.
- For minor accounts i..e, self operated accounts we can issue ATM cards.
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