Introduction of the system of DROP BOX for depositing cheques in POs

No. 112-08/2018-SB
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (FS Division)
Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110001
Dated: 07.12.2020.
All Head of Circles
Sub: - Introduction of the system of "Drop box" for depositing cheques in post offices.-reg. Respected Sir/Madam.
Kindly refer to this Division's D.O.No. 112-08/2018-SB dated 13.09.2018 regarding Drop Box system in post offices for cheque deposit.
In this regard, the undersigned is directed to request you to start the "Drop Box" system for cheque deposit in post offices chosen for the purpose by the circle.
Following guidelines may be followed for smooth operation of "Drop Box" facility: -
1. Drop Box facility should be provided in the Public Hall for easy access to public.
2. The following instruction for dropping cheques should be placed besides the drop box.
A. Please drop the cheque with filled pay-in slip (SB-103) duly filled in all respects.
B. Please correct Account Number, also write cheque number, bank name in the pay-in-slip.
C. Please write contact number on the back side of pay-in-slip and cheque.
D. For Cheque amounting 50000 or more, PAN card no. should be mentioned in pay-in-slip.
E. For Cheque of PPF/SSA scheme please check your prescribed limit for financial year.
F. For cheque of PPF/SSA account for matured account should be extended first for depositing cheque. G. Post dated and outdated cheque should not be dropped in the drop box.
H. Non-CTS cheques should not be dropped in the drop box.
I. Cheque for opening of New Accounts should not be dropped in drop box.
3. Drop Box opening timings may be fixed with reference to cheque clearance hours in the circle/Post Office.
4. Concerned PA should collect the cheques from the drop box twice in a day at fixed timing, make a list of the cheques & then handover respective counters for depositing/making entries.
5. Proper Supervision to be made by the concerned supervisor on this to avoid any discrepancy or irregularity.
6. In case of any discrepancy noticed, depositor should be intimated through phone/letter for completion of requsite details.
This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
Yours Faithfully
(Devendra sharma)
Assistant Director (SB-11)
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