Respected Sir/Madam,
I am directed to convey the following
1. This is regarding corrections of GL Extracts in SAP Error Table .
If any entry comes in any of the unmapped GL account for any facility ID or for any non-existing facility ID, then whole data for that facility ID will not be posted in CSI system and will move in Error table in CSI.
This error data can be viewed using T Code ZFSI_ERROR.
User with required roles will also be able to correct the Incorrect Facility ID or Unmapped GL using above T Code.
The following roles needs to be assigned to the user for accessing the SAP T code ZFSI_ERROR
Once the GL or Facility Id is modified and if the entries are balanced, entire GLs of that facility id will get posted
2. All the CBS GL data received in GL extracts will be posted automatically in CSI system.
User is not supposed to do any manual voucher postings for same either using Voucher Posting tool ZBF-07 or F-02. In case a user has done any manual postings for a CBS GL, same can be checked via a report - ZFSI_DOC_LOG.
User can see which all CBS GL documents were posted for the input criteria.
The following roles needs to be assigned to the user for accessing the SAP T code: ZFSI_DOC_LOG
The SoP related to above T codes is attached for reference.
Thanks and Regards
Gopinath S
Inspector Posts
Data Migration Command Centre(CBS)
Chennai 600 002
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