Procedure to issue NSC and KVP for OSL cheques received after 01.07.2016 in DOP Finacle
- Many of them are facing the issue for opening of NSC and KVP accounts for OSL cheques which are received after 01.07.2016.
- For suppose customer presented the bank cheque i..e, NON DOP Cheque before 30.06.2016 and the same cheque clearance details are received after 01.07.2016 then at the time of issue we are facing the error while opening NSC and KVP accounts.
- The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure
- From the above screen shot it is clear that OSL cheque clearance details received after 01.07.2016 but cleared on 28/06/2016 i..e, before 30.06.2016. The system is showing the error "Enter a value in the filed" as shown in the above screen shot.
- For the above Problem as per SB order 06/2016 Directorate ordered to issue passbooks but the system is giving the above attached error.
- In order to solve the above Directorate issued latest orders to solve the above problem.
Solution for NSC\KVP OSL Cheques received after 01.07.2016
This office letter is receiving references on handling the cases relating to cheque clearing received after 30.6.2016 and cheque clearing date is prior to 1.7.2016 in respect of issue of NSC or KVP and in some cases maturity value of KVP showing less the the double amount. It is requested to follow the following procedure to handle such cases:-
1. Accounts for which cheque clearing was done upto 30/06/2016 and clearing information was received on or after 01/07/2016 - use CSCOAAC menu and enter the date of clearing as a/c open date & value date. Select the denominations requested. System will open account against each denomination. If stock of certificates is available, print certificates. If stock of certificates is not available and returned and If number of accounts are less than 5, change deposit receipt option to Passbook printing and print Passbook. Note all account numbers on the second page of Passbook manually and SPM/APM can sign below this information. If there are more than 5 Accounts, Passbook may be prepared manually and account numbers should be written manually on Page 2 and SPM/APM should sign below this information.
2. Issue relating to Maturity value for some high value accounts is shown less by Re.1 or Rs.2 - this issue is noticed and configurations are being worked out. Maturity amount will get corrected after configuration changes. No. of accounts affected (greater 60000 denomination) is between 300-400 across all the SOLs. In such cases, maturity value should be corrected manually to double the amount on Passbook under initials of SPM/APM.
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