- When we try to verify the transaction in the supervisor login most often we will face the error "E4221 Not authorized to verify part tran 1 ".
The detailed procedure to solve this error is mentioned below.
Scenario in which the said error Occurs ?
- When both the entered user and verified user are same the said error will occur i..e, for example if a user say X entered the transaction then if the same user X tried to verify then the system will throw the error "E4221 - Not authorized to verify part tran 1 ".
- Let us try to resolve such error I would like to quote real time example in the below procedure.
Step by Step Procedure to Solve the Above Error
- Sometimes the system will throw the above said error when we try to verify the transaction which is mentioned in the below screen shot
- When a user ( RMREDDY_SU ) for example tried to verify the tran id IN2129630 the system thrown the above said error.
- Then invoke the error HTI menu then the system will show the below screen
- Then in the next enter the tran id as shown in the below screen
- Then click on GO then the system will show the transaction details as shown in the below screen
- Now in Restore Values select the value "O-OTHER/PART TRANSACTION DETAIL " as shown in the figure
- Then click on GO then the system will open a new window as shown in the below figure
- From the above screen shot is clear transaction created and posted by the user RMREDDY_SU hence if we try to verify the transaction with the same user i..e, RMREDDY_SU then the system will throw the error "E4221 - Not authorized to verify part tran 1 " as mentioned in the first screen shot.
- As Finacle follows the maker-checker concept both posted user and verified user will be different hence in this example if we try to verify the transaction in the user id RMREDDY then the system will verify successfully.
- Always make a practice not to post the transactions in the supervisor id as cash account will not be linked for supervisor roles in Finalce which is wrong procedure.Hence avoid posting the transactions in Supervisor ID.
While closing charge collected an saving ac for finale closing getting error code e4221