Finacle Websites accessibility issues as Java and Internet Explorer settings not configured properly.
Applet not properly initialized error in internet explorer
(IE 7 & 8 , Windows Vista & 7) and
b) Java security level can’t be changed to medium level as it is disabled
1.Enable add-ons in Internet Explorer.
(Open Internet explorer , Tools-->Manage Add-ons,
In Oracle America, Inc following three options should be enabled.
1. Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper
2. Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper
3. Sun Java Console
2. Adjust and Java and Internet explorer settings as per the screenshots.
Screenshot of Internet Explorer (IE-7 – Windows Vista OS ) and Java (jre7update 21 ) Setting done in a Finacle working system. This settings also work in Windows 7 (IE-8).
3. Open Internet Explorer and wait for some time after re installation of Java for loading the applets and confirm the messages displayed at the screen.
Shri. Roy.K.J., System Administrator,
Sulthan Bathery MDG-673592.
Mob: 9037709710.
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