(i) What is the procedure to get eBanking User Id and Password?
Solution: eBanking user ID and Password will be forwarded on the day of migration by DMCC team only for agents (MPKBY/SAS/PRSS) who were linked with SB account in Sanchay Post. For agents created in Finacle after migration , DSA ID along with SOL ID and other mandatory details should be sent to fsihelpdesk for generation of eBanking User Id and Password.
(ii) eBanking user Id and Password created in wrong name.
Solution: eBanking user id and password will be generated in the name of the Primary (First) account holder of the linked SB commission credit account. Suppose an MPKBY agent Kala has linked Joint Account as commission credit account with Primary(First) account holder name as Ravi, eBanking user id will be generated in the name of RAVI only and not in the name of Kala. This will not have any effect anywhere. If the agent wants eBanking User Id generated in their own name, either single account should be given as commission credit account or their name should be primary account holder in Joint accounts. This is added as a discrepancy in DBA Plus
(iii) Unable to Login. Please try again or contact bank for more details – Agent Portal
Solution: Either the user name / password is incorrect or Agent portal not functioning. Agent portal will not function when the Finacle Core is down
(iv) What to do when Agents User ID and password is locked due to wrong entry of
password for more than ten times.
Solution: Password will get locked if entered wrongly for 10 times. Agent should contact their
respective Post office and in turn PO will raise a request to CPC who in turn will raise ticket with FSI helpdesk with details of DSA ID and SOL ID to get the password reset for the agents. Agents should not contact Help Desk directly.
(v) Whether SAS agents can use Agent Portal?
Solution: SAS agents will also be provided with eBanking User Id and Password. SAS agents can logon to portal but no accounts will be linked to these agents. This DSA ID to be noted on the account opening form for getting the commission credited to their SB accounts.
(vi) Agent Portal Host Error
Solution: Agent Portal is down or Finacle server is down. Try after sometime.
(vii) Agent Portal could not be logged on in newly migrated offices
Solution: Ensure whether the port access for accessing the agent portal is given by SIFY.
(viii) eBanking User Id and Password is generated more than once for many agents
Solution: eBanking user Id and Password will be generated for all the agents migrated to finacle including license expired agents / duplicate agent id. In order to avoid this, ensure that the license expired agents and duplicate IDs are not linked with SB account number.
(ix) No RD accounts are linked while logging in to portal
During Go Live Migration - Transformation Layer, Agent Reconciliation excel sheet is shared with the Postmaster to ensure 100% migration of agents. Finacle DSA ID, Agent Type and number of accounts columns are available. Postmaster to check the correct DSA ID from Reconciliation Excel and logon by using that DSA ID before raising the issue.Suppose if a single agent is having both SAS and MPKBY. Two ebanking user Id and Password will
be generated. Use the appropriate eBanking User Id. Suppose three more eBanking user Ids are generated for the same agent due to duplicate IDs in Sanchay post, logon with appropriate eBanking user ID.
(x) Some RD accounts are not linked / not visible in the Agent Portal
Solution: Discontinued / Closed accounts will not be visible in Agent Portal. Ensure that RD account was linked to correct Agent in Sanchay Post. Inquire the RD account using CRDACM menu to check the DSA ID linked. If any account is not linked to any agent, user should link that account with correct
DSA ID by using CRDACM menu.
(xi) How to prepare Bulk list with default fee
a. Default fee is automatically fetched from Finacle Core and displayed in separate column
b. Suppose in one account there are 4 months default, only one month default will be shown
c. If the customer wants to pay more than one defaults, in the edit screen , click on radio
d. Enter the number of months to be paid and click on “Get Default and Rebate”. System will
e. Click on Save
f. In the first part of the screen against the RD account, new default fee will be displayed
g. Once all the accounts are selected and edited, click on “Pay all modified instalments” to
generate the eBanking bulk reference number.
(xii) How to prepare Bulk list with Rebate
Rebate is automatically fetched from Finacle Core and displayed in separate column “Rebate”
a. Rebate will be calculated if, 6 or more months instalments are paid. If the customer wants pay more than one month instalment, in the edit screen , click on radio button in the appropriate RD account .
b. Enter the number of months to be paid and click on “Get Default and Rebate”. System will
c. Click on Save
d. In the first part of the screen against the RD account, Rebate will be displayed and the ‘ MODIFIED” column will become “YES”
e. Once all the accounts are selected and edited, click on “Pay all modified instalments” to
generate the eBanking bulk reference number.
(xiii) Whether the Default fee and Rebate to be added in the cheque?
Solution: In the DOP/Non Dop cheque, Default fee should be added and Rebate to be deducted along with monthly instalments. Suppose in an account with Rs.200/- denomination, there is a default of one month. If the customer wants to get rebate, 6 months instalments has to be paid. Already one default is there. Hence the customer should pay 7 months instalments to get rebate.
200 x 7 = Rs.1400, plus Default fee – Rs.2/- less rebate – Rs.12
Total cheque amount – 1400 + 2 – 12 = Rs.1390/-
(xiv) In case of cheques, can the default fee accepted as cash and monthly instalments as cheque?
Solution: No. Partial cash and partial cheque not allowed. While posting system will check
for the total amount (Monthly instalment plus Default less Rebate) for that account. If there is
a difference, an error “CHEQUE NOT CLEARED” will be thrown.
(xv) Process of posting Non DOP cheques
(a) It is presumed that the MPKBY agent has prepared the bulk list NDC34245 using Non DOP option with all required details like BANK NAME, CHEQUE NUMBER ) When an agent prepares the bulk list with cheque number with 0 as prefix, 0s are truncated while storing in agent portal.
(b) If the cheques are not handled through outward clearing, the following process should be (PLEASE NOTE: This process should not be followed if OUTWARD CLEARING PROCESS is followed)
a. User to invoke CXFER MENU in finacle.
b. Debit SBI (Sundry) account( SOL id followed by 0007 as debit account eg
c. Credit the following account
d. RD Retail / Bulk – SOLID0017 (Outward Clearing account)
e. For RD Retail / Bulk the cheque number SHOULD BE ENTERED in the Transaction Particular field (CXFER) without fail as described below
i) Invoke CXFER , Dr Acct and Cr Account as above and
ii) Enter the cheque number in the “Transaction Particulars” field by removing
iii) Cheque number should be of 6 digits
iv) Cheque number should be entered without prefix 0 (ie) cheque number
f. To ensure that the amount of Bulk list is credited, Invoke HACLINQ and enter the Outward Clearing Account Number SOLID followed by 17.(0017)
g. Ensure that the Bulk list amount is credited along with the cheque details in the remarks column. the word “BY TRANSFER”00234 should be entered as 234.
(xvi) Truncation of 0
Since 0s in cheque number are truncated in outward clearing, while preparing the bulk list also the 0s are truncated while storing even if the cheque number is entered with 0 prefix.
(xvii) Agent cannot generate bulk list for more than Rs.10,000/- if mode is payment is Cash
Solution: An error will be thrown if agent tries to generate bulk list for more than Rs.10,000/- if the mode of payment is CASH. For DOP and Non DOP cheques there is not limit. But in a list only 50 accounts can be selected.
(xviii) How many accounts can a bulk list contain?
Solution: A bulk list should contain maximum of 50 RD accounts or it should not exceed Rs.10,000/- if paid in cash whichever is applicable
(xix) Can a cheque paid for more than one account?
Solution: Single Cheque can be paid for multiple accounts. Suppose if there are 8 RD accounts in the list and serial number 2, 4, 7 are paid by same cheque eg INDIAN BANK CHEQUE with cheque number 002345.
Click on 2nd INDIAN BANK as IND BANK, enter the cheque number – 002345 , account no for RD instalment – Indian Bank Savings Bank account number of this cheque eg 643567 (This field will not be validated). Click on Save.
Click on 4th RD account, enter the BANK NAME in the field. Enter the bank name as IND BANK only as entered in the 2nd account ( Here the bank name should not be entered as IND. BANK or IND BK or any other format. The bank name entered here should be exactly equal to the Bank name entered in the 2nd record), enter the cheque number – 002345 , account no for RD instalment – Indian Bank Savings Bank account number of this cheque eg 643567 (This field will not be validated). Click on Save.
Click on 7th RD account, enter the BANK NAME in the field. Enter the bank name as IND BANK only as entered in the 2nd account. (Here the bank name should not be entered as IND. BANK or IND BKor any other format. The bank name entered here should be exactly equal to the Bank name entered in the 2nd record), enter the cheque number –002345 , account no for RD instalment – Indian Bank Savings Bank account number of this cheque eg 643567 (This field will not be validated) Click on Save.
(xx) Agent ID gets blocked
Solution: Agent ID gets locked when the password is entered wrongly for 10 times.
(xxi) At Nagpur City Ho 440002 there comes error while verifying lot.Lots are prepared by agent on 16/03/2014 in there prepared list default does not shown. Counter PA accept the lot on counter and send the lot for verification. But at the time of verification the it shows different types of error that does not exist, default fee is different etc. Due to which lot not verified.
Solution: Suppose agent prepares bulk list (Cash Mode) on 8th to 15th from 1st
. Finacle will calculate Default fee when the Agent presents the same bulk list at PO counter after
. When the operator tries to the post the Bulk list, only those accounts without default fee will get
posted and accounts with default fee will be rejected. Remarks “ERROR - DEFAULT FEE/REBATE
CALCULATION INCORRECT” will be thrown. New bulk list need to be prepared for those rejected accounts .
(xxii) How many accounts will be displayed per page in the portal?
Solution:- 10 accounts will be displayed per page. Total number of accounts linked to the agent will be displayed as 10 of 247 on the right side corner. Only first 500 accounts will be listed in the first screen. If there are more number of accounts, click on the option “Click here to fetch more accounts”, another set of 500 accounts will be displayed and by clicking this option, any number of accounts can
RD account, enter the BANK NAME in the field. Suppose you enter the bank name
account ( Here the bank name should not be entered as IND. BANK or IND BK
account. (Here the bank name should not be entered as IND. BANK or IND BK
wherein few RD accounts opened dates are available. No default fee will be generated during bulk list generation on be displayed in the portal
(xxiii) Can the RD accounts be sorted account number wise enabling easy selection of account for generation of bulk list
Solution:-When we click on the Account Number column, the RD accounts will get sorted either by ascending order or by descending order. Agent can select the required RD accounts by browsing through the pages. Agent can directly move to required page by entering the required page number and click on Go.Agents can use any of the below three options for searching
a. Sort the account numbers and select the accounts manually by browsing through the
b. Entering the RD account number in the Searcher field. This option can be used to select
c. Click on the File icon on the top right corner. Soft copy of the entire list of account will be
only one record.displayed. Required RD account can be searched using Find option (Ctrl + F) and thereby exact page number can be identified and can directly move to the respective page and select the RD account.(gopi – icon)
(xxiv) The Fonts in the portal are very small. Is there any option to increase the size of the
There are three Font icons on the top right corner. Click on the icon to increase or decrease the font.
(xxv) Agent portal session ends frequently. Not able to generate even a single bulk list.
Agent Portal session will automatically logout in 30 minutes if remains idle. There will be a message alerting the user to “Continue the session” for another 30 minutes. By continuing the session agent can remain the portal for hours together.
(xxvi) All the Ebanking reference numbers are printed together while taking print out of E
Banking Lists:-
Click on the Reports – Enter the from and to date – enter the required eBanking reference number –
select the status as Success and click on Search. Only the required eBanking reference number with
Success status will be listed. Select the downloadable format either pdf or .xls and click on OK. RD Instalment report with the required eBanking reference number can be either saved or printed.
(xxvii) Can an agent pay the default fee alone by cash and monthly instalment by cheque.
No, agent cannot pay the bulk list partially by cash and partially by cheque. Default fee should be added in the cheque itself. The bulk list will be posted only if the cheque number matches with the entire amount (monthly instalment along with default fee)
(xxviii) Is it compulsory to change the login password for the agent portal?
Yes. The agent should change the login password once in 180 days.
(xxix) Can the RD accounts linked to agent be paid across the counter?
Agent linked accounts cannot be paid across the counter. An error will be thrown while accepting the RD deposit across the counter. However if the customer still wants to pay across the counter, the Counter PA can delink the Agent DSA ID using CRDACM menu and after verification, accept the monthly deposit. Agent commission will not flow as the account is delinked from agent ID. For this purpose, depositor has to submit application in manuscript.
(xxx) Suppose a customer with RD account of Rs.5,000/- denomination want to pay for one year. How to prepare bulk list (Cash) with Rebate for denomination of Rs.5000/-
Solution: Prepare two Cash bulk list for two months simultaneously. Each bulk list will have two
months with Rs.10,000/-. These two bulk list needs to be posted. On successful posting of two
list only, Agent should prepare the third list for two months. While preparing the 3rd
show rebate as 6thpresented for posting in the counter.Please do not prepare THREE LIST simultaneously in the above scenario. Only two list to be prepared and third list to be prepared on successful posting of two lists.
(xxxi) “Host not available” in Agent Portal on clicking the “AGENT ENQUIRE AND UPDATE SCREEN”
Technical issue due to Network/Port access. Check the portal after few hours
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